land clearing Services
in Halifax or Harrisburg, PA

Land Clearing
Make Way for Your New Build

Sign up for our land clearing services in Halifax or Harrisburg, PA

One of the first steps in any construction project is clearing off the lot. ABC Tree Monkeys can tackle that project for you. We offer land clearing services for residents in Halifax or Harrisburg, PA. We’ll help you start your new project in the most efficient way possible. No matter if you’re about to build a new house, home addition, pond or playground, we’ll ensure no obstructions remain in your construction crew’s way.

To book our land clearing services, get in touch with us today.

We'll help you clean up after a storm

Storms can blow through at the most inconvenient times, leaving your yard a mess. Luckily, we offer 24/7 storm damage clearing services. We’ll take down trees that:

  • Have fallen onto your car or home
  • Are blocking the road or your driveway
  • Are in the parking lot of your business facility

Want to learn more about our storm damage clearing services? Call 717-710-8992 today to speak with a team member.

Land Clearing